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Rabu, 03 April 2019


Expressing Gratitude adalah sebuah ekspresi Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih.
Dalam penggunaannya ekspresi ini diikuti dengan respon.
Simak contoh dialog di bawah ini:

Dialog 1

Situation: a girl is talking with a friend on the phone.
Mark: Well Lia, thanks a lot for telling me a good news.
Lia: Oh, that’s okay. I thought you’d been interested.
Mark: I am. I wish both of you the best of luck in the future.
Lia: Thanks for that. Well, okay. I’d better hang up now.
Mark: Yeah, we have been on the phone quite a while, haven’t we? Take it easy, huh? Thanks for calling.
Lia: Oh, thank you. See you soon. Bye.
Mark: Bye.

Dialog 2

Situation: A teacher is helping his student to understand the English materials
A teacher: Have you understood the difference between a gerund and active participle?
A student: Yes, Sir. I understand now. That was very kind of you.
A teacher: It was my pleasure. I am happy if you’ve understood. I hope you can pass the test.

Dialog 3

Situation: A woman is talking with her son’s high- school principal.
Mr. Henry: Well, Mrs. Ema, your son going to be a Harvard man next year.
Mrs. Ema: Mr. Henry, how can we ever thank you? You’ve done so much to help my son.
Mr. Henry: No need to thank me. It’s part of my job, after all.
Mrs. Ema: Well, thank you again anyway. We really appreciate the time and interest you’ve taken.

Dialog 4

Situation: Mother and her daughter at home.
Mother: Can you help me to cook our lunch, please?
Daughter: I am sorry, Mummy. I have to finish my homework. But I can help you to prepare the dessert.
Mother: Oh… Thank you, dear.
Daughter: “Don’t mention it, Mom. It is a pleasure to help you.”
Perhatikan ungkapan-ungkapan yang dicetak tebal pada dialog di atas. Ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa terima kasih (gratitute/thanking).
Study the following expressions!


  • Thanks
  • Thank you.
  • Thank you for calling.
  • That was very kind of you.
  • It was very nice of you to help me.
  • How can I ever thank you?
  • I can’t thank you enough.
  • I really appreciate what you’ve done for my family.
  • Can I show my appreciation by buying you some of the junk foods?


  • It’s O.K
  • Never mind
  • Thank you
  • Not problem
  • That’s all right
  • You’re welcome
  • Don’t mention it
  • That’s quite all right
  • No need to thank me
  • It was my pleasure
  • Thank you very much

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